As a foundation client since 2006, Hype DC is more like family than a client. Rysen has a deep understanding of their business, their brand and their customers. After launching its first eCommerce store, one of the first Magento websites in Australia, Rysen has continued to evolve the online store with advances in technology and user experience enhancements.

Responsive Website
With an increasingly competitive marketplace and a savvier online customer, Hype required a new wesbite to better represent its national presence and create an online customer experience not offered by their competitors.
Hype DC are 100% happy with their relationship with RYSEN and with the significant contribution RYSEN has made to our growth and success. If every one of the services suppliers to Hype DC had contributed to the same degree as RYSEN has done since 2006 we'd be bigger than Walmart!
Email Marketing
Multiple email marketing templates were designed and developed which allowed Hype DC to inform customers of their latest arrivals, deals, promotions and competitions.
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