Radio Rentals is Australia’s leading household appliance, technology and furniture rental company with over 90 stores Australia wide and a team of more than 500 valued employees.

Radio Rentals were going through the motions of sending out one promotional email a week to their entire database. Although each weekly eDM was themed differently, the overall approach became predictable for customer, to a point where customers would view the emails as ‘junk or spam mail’ rather than valuable and beneficial information or promotions.
We were asked to reassess the way the weekly eDMs were created to achieve three key objectives:
1. Create eDM templates which could easily be updated and populated internally
2. Create eDM templates which would work seamlessly with Exact Target
3. Create eDM templates which would allow each eDM sent to customers to not only ‘look’ different, but also ‘feel’ different.
The first task was to group the ‘types’ of eDMs which Radio Rentals were sending in 4 main categories; Competitors, Product Promotion, General Notices, Sale Periods. Once we had grouped the core email types, thorough research was conducted to outline which industries were excelling in email marketing and more importantly, identify why they were excelling. From this research we were able to design 4x new eDM templates which would allow RR to meet their objectives.
The templates provided RR & their customers with a much needed refresh. Click throughs began to climb again and through the new Salesforce/Exact Target system, the eDMs were being targeted which helped further increase the number of leads.
RR have been able to utilise the modules created in the 4x templates to generate new and exciting creative time and time again.